No Handrail
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where do I buy quality balustrades in Perth?
There are a range of suppliers in Perth but it is advisable to use a reputable company with the knowledge required to complete your job safely and cost effectively.
At Balustrade Design we have been trading over 20 years offering Balustrades, Gates Fencing and more. Visit our web page at
2. Where are balustrades legally required in my home?
Balustrades are required by law where it is possible to fall more than 1 metre from a floor level such as a balcony, paved area or stairs.
3. What are the most common balustrade materials?
The most common materials used today are aluminium, stainless steel, glass and timber.
4. How much do balustrades cost?
Balustrade prices vary tremendously depending on the material selected and the design. Aluminium is generally much more economical than stainless steel or frameless glass or even timber.
5. How do I measure the balustrade length I require?
Balustrading is generally measured along the length of the perimeter edge of the balcony in lineal metres.
6. How do you install balustrades?
This can be done by an individual with practicable experience in the building industry however it is essential that the installer knows all the relevant Australian standards for balustrades installed over 1 metre from the floor level. It is advisable to use a contractor that specialises in this industry.
7. How high should balustrades be?
All balustrades preventing a fall greater than 1 metre must be a minimum of 1 metre high from the finished floor level.
8. What's the difference between balustrades and railings?
The name balustrading and railings can be used for the same purpose by different people. In general the same laws apply to all protective edging once over 1 metre.
9. How do I clean balustrades and railings?
The way to clean balustrades is with soapy water and rinse off however there are more expensive products available. Regular cleaning if you located near the ocean is advisable. Seek care and maintenance instructions from your supplier.